Monday, November 12, 2012

Texture Practiced - 11/16-11/20

Texture Practice

Lesson Objective: Students will know how to create a simulated texture using line.

Essential Skill to be Mastered:  Creating simulated texture on paper.

I Can Statement: I can create the look of texture with the use of line.

Teaching Strategy: I started with a conversation about textures and some of the places they could be found. I then asked them to get up and walk around the room to feel and find different textures. We then discussed objects that looked like they had a rough texture but were indeed smooth. After discussion I showed them an example of the practice texture they were going to create and modeled how to do it. 

9x12 drawing paper

1.     Holding paper horizontally fold in halve and crease folded edge well. (paper will be 6x9)
2.     Fold again to make it 4.5x6 and crease folded edge well.
3.     Fold one more time to make it 3x4.5 and crease folded edge well.
4.     Open paper to 8 rectangle boxes (4 on top and 4 on bottom).
5.     Draw a line on top of each fold line or crease.
6.     Using a pencil draw a different texture pattern in each of the 8 boxes. (8 different patterns).

     Modifications: Give extended time to finish. Do not grade down if texture design is spaced too far apart

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