Tuesday, January 29, 2013

01/28-01/30 - Texture Practice

Texture Practice

Lesson Objective: SWBAT understand that texture is how something feels or looks like it feels and how to create the look of texture on a 2D surface.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: How to create simulated texture.

I Can Statement: I can create the look of texture on paper.

Teaching Strategy:  I started a conversation about textures and some of the places they could be found. We watch a PowerPoint showing different textures and how when there are many objects (like pebbles) together it creates a texture while each individual pebble has its own texture. I then asked them to get up and walk around the room to feel and find different textures. We then discussed objects that looked like they had a rough texture but were indeed smooth. After discussion I showed them an example of the practice texture they were going to create and modeled how to do it. 


9x12 Drawing paper

1. Fold paper in half.
2. Fold in half again.
3. Fold in half one more time and unfold to show 8 different sections.
4. Draw a line across each fold line in order to see each section.
5. Fill each section with a different texture pattern.
6. There should be 8 different patterns.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

01/21-01/23 - Tiled Mosaic

Tiled Mosaic

Lesson Objective - SWBAT to work together as a group to produce one original tiled mosaic.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: Creating original designs on paper to use as a group project in creating on large mosaic.

I can Statement: I can create designed tiles to be used in one large mosaic.

Teaching Strategy: I gave each of the students one sheet of paper and only instructed them to create a design using the entire space on the square. I showed them different designed squares to give them an idea of what I was looking for but that they could not copy anything that I showed them but had to create something original. After the students started designing their squares I started asking questions about mosaics and what they were. I then showed the students online what we were going to create, what it would be used for and that they would not be able to take their tiles home but instead I would use them to create one large mosaic to be used in the upcoming art show. I do not, however tell them that they are to cut up their tiles so our mosaic looks more authentic until after all of them are finished, and I will mount onto backing.

5x5 drawing paper
Colored pencils
Large piece of cardboard
Black Paint

1. Draw a design on square paper with pencil.
2. Color with markers or colored pencils making sure to color entire sheet.
3. Cut into 2-4 pieces.
4. Paint cardboard black and let dry.
5. Glue pieces onto painted cardboard making sure to leave space in between each piece to create a mosaic look.

Monday, January 7, 2013

01/09-01/13 - Name Tower

Name Tower

Lesson Objective: Students will understand the seven lines of art (zig zag, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, curved, dotted and dashed), and how to use them aesthetically in a work of art.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: To be able to use the seven different types of line in art to create an original piece of 2-dimensional artwork using the letters of their name.

I Can Statement: I can create a name tower using the 7 lines of art.

Teaching Strategy: I will first ask the students what looks like happens to tall buildings when you are standing at the bottom looking up toward the top of the building, or what happens to objects when they get farther away. They get smaller. They will then see an example of a name tower and I go online and show them different examples of the project. They then have to practice on scratch paper how to draw their name different heights from large to small and letters in different directions. Students do this while I am modeling on the front board how to do it correctly. I will use guided instruction on a daily basis to ensure they are following directions and using proper craftsmanship.

12x18 drawing paper
Black sharpie

1. With the paper laying vertical, have students use block letters and draw the letters of their name (first, last, or both) starting at the bottom of the paper. The letters will be large at the bottom and get smaller as they rise to the top of the paper.
2. Make sure that the letters are touching spots to create closed shapes to put line designs in.
3. Use markers to color in each of the letters.
4. In the closed spaces between the letters use a pencil to draw different designs using the 7 lines of art.
5. After all the designs have been drawn go over them with a fine point sharpie.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

01/02/13-01/08/13 - Classroom Rules Poster

Classroom Rules Poster

Lesson Objective: SWBAT list and understand the rules of the art classroom and use that understanding to create an original creative poster depicting those rules.

Essential Skill To Be Mastered: To understand the rules and procedures of their art classroom.

I Can Statement: I can design and create a poster showing classroom rules and procedures in the art classroom.

Teaching Strategy: Day 1 - I start this project by giving each table five minutes and one sheet of writing paper and have the students talk with each other about what they think the rules of the classroom should be and for one student from each table to write those ideas down. After five minutes I then have someone from each table tell the class one of the rules they have written down while I write them on the front board. After all tables have stated a different rule or agreed on a rule that is already written I then suggest rules and write them on the board also. I have someone pass out the poster paper while I show the students an example of the poster they are to create. As I am telling them the instructions I also write those instructions on the front board where they will stay until the project is to be completed so the students always know what their expectations are. Days 2-5 I use guided practice to help ensure the students are following the instructions and to give help and encouragement where it is needed.

12x18 poster paper
Colored pencils

1: Using a pencil and a ruler for straight lines make a border around the entire paper. The border can be designed any way the students want it to be.
2: Make the title of the poster "Classroom Rules".
3: List all of the rules that the class has listed that are written on the board making sure that they are numbered.
4: Students can use the ruler to make lines to write on.
5: Make sure that most of the white paper has been colored, designed or written on.