Monday, February 25, 2013

02/19-02/28 - Color Scheme Painting

Color Scheme Paintings 

Lesson Objective: SWBAT understand the the difference between the color schemes warm, cool, monochromatic, and and analogous, and apply that knowledge to three different paintings.

Essential Skill To Be Mastered: To create 4 different paintings, one using cool colors, one using warm colors, one using analogous colors, and one using a monochromatic color scheme.

I Can Statement: I can create 4 different painting using one different color scheme (warm, cool, analogous, and monochromatic) for each picture.

Lesson Strategy: Day 1 - Talk again about color schemes and the definition (an organizer for color) Call on students to come up and write a different scheme of the 8 different color schemes on the board. Show them different examples of each of the color schemes they will be using to help ensure they use the proper color schemes when painting. Day 2-5 - Question students each to help cement their understanding of the different color schemes. Use guided practice and give one-on-one help to those who need it.

Four 9x12 sheets of drawing paper
Tempera paint
Paint brush
Water cup
Paper towels
Paint palette

1. Have students draw 4 similar drawings, on on each paper.
2. Paint each drawing a different color scheme (one each of warm, cool, analogous, and monochromatic).

02/25 - Value Study

Value Study

Lesson Objective: Students will understand value in art and how to make different values of one color.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: To be able to create seven different shades of one color.

I Can Statement: I can create seven different varying shades using just one color.

Teaching Strategy: First talk about value and how it is used to create depth in picture. Then show an example of what they will be doing. Then model how to create a consistant darkening value using just one color or a graphite pencil. Then show students how to apply that value to turn a shape into what looks like a 3D picture. Use guided practice to ensure students understand how to go from a white object to a dark object using just 7 darkening values.

12x18 drawing paper
Colored pencils

1. Students will draw 7 of the same shapes on one side of the paper and 7 different shapes on the other side.
2. Number the shapes 1-7.
3. Number 1 will be white (students will not have to color it).
4. Numbers 2 -7 will be a value scale going from the lightest of the color in number 2 and darkening in each consecutive number until number 7 is the darkest.
5. One side students will use a regular pencil and the other side students will use a colored pencil.

Monday, February 4, 2013

02/01-02/08 - High Fives

High Fives

Lesson Objective: SWBAT apply their understanding of shape and texture into making a 3D creation of their hand using paper, glue, and yarn.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: Manipulating material to create their hand using paper, yarn and glue.

I Can Statement: I can create my own hand on paper using yarn and glue.

Teaching Strategy: Day 1 - To start this project I talk with the students about texture and have them find different items in the room that have texture and then I have them find items that look like they have a texture. I then show the example of the finished product, give out paper and have students trace their own hands, after which I model easier techniques for gluing the yarn and show how close together each strand should be. Days 2-5 - Use guided practice to make sure students are gluing yarn strand close together and to ensure they are following the rest of the guidelines.


10x10 poster paper

1. Trace around hand making sure fingers are spread apart.
2. Cut enough yarn of desired color to fit all the way around the hand line.
3. Apply a strip of glue about 2 inched in length to the hand line.