Lesson Objective - SWBAT understand the work of Georges Seurat and how to create a picture using dots of color.
Essential Skill To Be Mastered: To create a picture out of colored dots.
I Can Statement: I can create a picture using with dots of color.
Teaching Strategy: I start this project by asking the students what they think of dots. I then show them pictures of the work of Georges Seurat and introduce them to pointillism. I explain the process of creating one color by using dots of certain colors placed close together to give the illusion of a different color. I show them examples of student work and models how close the dots need to be for the best look. The students compare the different examples and discuss the quality and craftsmanship of each. I use guided practice to make sure students are following instructions and staying on task.
9x12 drawing paper
1. Find a picture in a magazine to reproduce and cut out.
2. Lightly draw the picture on the drawing paper.
3. Use markers to create dots of color using the colors from the magazine picture.
4. When finished with dots erase all pencil lines.